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<< In fact, I don't need to. Janie emailed an apology to everyone, thus:

Hello Everyone,

I have received many complaints about the nature of the content of Saturday's tease. I realize that even though I did not write the question, it was still in poor taste to reprint it. Please accept my sincerest apologies and promise not to publish such poor tease choices in the future. Also, for those of you that are still having difficulty sending in your Mind Scrambler answers through the website, I strongly encourage you to send them directly to me at janie@thedailytease.com. I thank you all for your patience.

Keep those brain waves churning! [Her customary tag-line]


Incensed by the overall arbitrary nature of the puzzle and the banality of her editorial skills (I dare not even show you the rubbish she puts at the head of each issue), I wrote to "Janie":

Well, it has to be said that the Daily Tease is going downhill since you took over. Everything from your banal introductions to the extremely pointless nature of some of the teases makes me increasingly inclined to unsubscribe. The daily tease is meant to be a logic puzzle or a test of lateral/mathematical thinking. Unfortunately, some of your teases, like the one on Saturday, defy logic.

The correct answer for Saturday might have been that the "stranger was already in the car when they set off - perhaps hiding in the back" - that would have been logical. Instead, the solution relied on a fact that was completely missing from the question... not so much a puzzle as a guessing game. You might have answered that "the stranger beamed into the car from the Starship enterprise".

It seems to me that you could make this column so much better if you pared down the number of arbitray puzzles and tried to think of something more interesting than your "we had a barbecue this weekend and it was nice" comments - if you can't think of anything to say, then it is better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it. [Thank you Lisa Simpson]

And finally, brainwaves do not churn - butter can be churned and stomachs also churn (especially when the daily tease is another dud) but brainwaves do not.

1. the tease
2. the response

Written: September to November 2000
Posted here: 27 November 2000
Ashley Frieze