No more searching for scraps of paper
I suffer from more than just road rage. I also suffer from a general sense of indignation at other motorists' behaviour, parking, car maintenance - indeed anything I can criticise. I have always wanted to put notes under people's windscreen wipers to indicate what I think of them. To streamline this idea, I have devised the following form, which I could fill out as required on a case by case basis:
Relevant comments are circled
Dear (Sir/Madame/You fool/You bastard),
I would like to draw the following to your attention:
You are parked:
- Ok (please skip to "Driving")
- Illegally
- Foolishly
- So badly that I'd like to award you with the "crap parking of the year award"
- Blocking the pavement
- Obstructing traffic
- In my way
- Not so much parked as abandoned
You were driving:
- Ok (please skip to "Car Condition")
- Too fast
- Too slow
- Like a woman
- Like an old man
- Like a maniac
- Like a maniac on PCP
- In my way
- On the wrong side of the road
- Like the Knight Rider
- Like the General Lee in Dukes of Hazzard over those speed bumps (yee-hah!)
Car Condition
Your car's condition is:
- Fine
- Your engine sounds like a kitten/lion/lawnmower/bomb/bad dose of flu
- You have flat tyres (OS-F/OS-R/NS-F/NS-R)
- You left your lights on (your battery is low/flat/fucked)
- You have mirrors missing (OS/NS)
- There are scratches on your paintwork
- I vandalised your car
- Your windscreen wipers are missing/crap/in the exhaust pipe
- Your exhaust is silent/puffing/blowing/roaring/exploding (___ megatons)
- Your petrol is low/depleted/now in my car/laced of sugar/diesel
I hope you will take these points on board in future.
A friend/your enemy
14 January 2001
Ashley Frieze